Yesterday as I was helping my mom eat her breakfast, she grabbed the banana and started to peel it. I asked if she needed my help, since I usually do this for her and she said no and then proceeded to peel it open from the bottom. I almost took it from her and told her that she had to do it from the top but I stopped myself.
As I am approaching my 54th birthday, I like to tell people, “I am not old, just more experienced”. So after thinking about it here is a short list of some of my experiences.
I have:
- Climbed to the top of an active volcano
- Water-skied on the Mississippi river
- Snowmobiled across the ice on Lake Huron.
- A member of the crew in a sailboat race.
- Competed and won a national baton competition.
- Built a 25ft snow sculpture in -40 degree F weather.
- Installed garage door openers.
- Rode a bicycle 200 miles in 23hrs
- Stood on the east and west shores of both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans
- Swam in 4 of the 5 Great Lakes.
- Visited 48 of the 50 United States
- Been in 2 hurricanes, a couple of earthquakes, several tornadoes and a flood
- Camped overnight in a hand made snow cave.
- Made sandwiches for Ray Charles and breakfast for the rock group UB40
All that and I have never peeled a banana from the bottom, what about you?