Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Book Review: The Confession – John Grisham
Book Cover excerpt:
For every innocent man sent to prison, there is a guilty one left on the outside. He doesn’t understand how the police and prosecutors got the wrong man, and he certainly doesn’t care. But how can a guilty man convince lawyers, judges, and politicians that they’re about to execute an innocent man?
Personal Reflections:
Oh man. This was intense and well worth the price of buying the hardcover version. You can believe that this actually happened, what a story. There were two very different endings that I thought were coming and it was amazing how John Grisham actually wrapped it up. I almost gave up reading this author a few books back, but this one will definitely get me to buy his next.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Book Review: Her Daughter’s Dream – Francine Rivers
Book Cover Excerpt:
In the dramatic conclusion to Her Mother’s Hope, Francine Rivers delivers a rich and deeply moving story about the silent sorrows that can tear a family apart and the grace and forgiveness that can heal even the deepest wounds.
Personal Reflections:
This is another book that brought both tears and healing in my own life. The story takes many turns and it is always hard when it doesn’t turn out the way you would love it to. I highly recommend this book, not only from the historical benefit, but from the pure pleasure of the read.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Book Review: Her Mother’s Hope – Francine Rivers
Book Cover Excerpt:
Heartbreaking news from home strengthens Marta’s resolve as she moves to England and eventually to Canada. There, she meets handsome Niclas Waltert, a man just as committed as she to forging a better life in a new place. But nothing has prepared her for the sacrifices she must make for marriage and motherhood as she travels first to the Canadian wilderness and finally to the dusty Central Valley of California to raise her family.
Personal Reflection:
I love the depth of the history that Francine Rivers includes in her novels. You know that she has spent hours on the research and you feel that you are actually living in another time at another place. This book details the impact that a mother has on a daughter. I have not always understood my mother and the way she raised us. I have gotten the opportunity over the last five years to be one of my mother’s care givers I have come to realize a little more about her own background and how it impacted the way she raised us. Hardship has a way of molding us in many different directions. This book is a page turner and I am so glad I didn’t have to wait to read the sequel. If you start this one, be ready to get the second one pretty quickly or it will drive you nuts.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Book Review: Safe Haven – Nicolas Sparks
Book Cover Excerpt:
But even as Katie begins to fall in love, she struggles with the dark secret that still haunts and terrifies her . . . a past that set her on a fearful, shattering journey across the country, to the sheltered oasis of Southport. With Jo’s empathic and stubborn support, Katie eventually realizes that she must choose between a life of transient safety and one of riskier rewards . . . and that in the darkest hour, love is the only true safe haven.
Personal Reflections:
This one was very suspenseful and didn’t end the way I thought it was going to. As I said, the characters are so believable and you just get sucked into the story. I enjoyed this book and it might just be one of my favorites that he has written.
Book Review: Eat, Pray, Love – Elizabeth Gilbert
Book Cover Excerpt:
In her early thirties, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern American woman was supposed to want – husband, country home, and successful career – but instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she felt consumed by panic and confusion. This wise and rapturous book is the story of how she left behind all these outward marks of success, and what she found in their place.
Personal Reflection:
That excerpt from above reads almost like my own personal testimony (without the husband) and how I went on my own personal search for fulfillment when I had all the outward signs of success. Unlike Elizabeth I found the true fulfillment in Jesus Christ. But the book is an interesting read. The writer has an interesting style of describing the characters she met on her journey. Because of her style I will probably read one of her other books. It was a nice read.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Book Review: Without a Word – Jill Kelly
The first book is Without a Word – by Jill Kelly. I was in the airport when I saw this book and decided to purchase it. It is a habit of mine to wonder through the book sections/stores at airports, I have found some very interesting books and favorite authors this way. I knew of Jim Kelly because I am a fan of football, but I really didn’t know about him and the struggles of his family.
Here is an excerpt from the jacket cover:
More than a memoir, this book contains a mother’s heart--- pieces of precious, journaled memories engraved on the author’s soul – as well her long journey from resentment to forgiveness as a wife. Here, too, are intimate reflections from Jim and from those who walked with the Kelly’s through the shadow of death and into the light of hope. Without a Word transparently shares it all: The heartbreaking moments… and those Jill would love to relive. Moments that add up to a time filled with unimaginable pain…and indescribably joy. Moments that silently transformed the hearts of every member of her family… and changed their lives forever. Moments that may even change our heart and life, too.
Personal reflections:
I have to say, I’m not sure I would recommend reading this on the plane as I did, it was intense and the tears flowed, but yet I couldn’t stop reading it, I just dried my eyes on one of those scratchy airplane napkins and keep reading through the blur. Jill and Jim Kelly are truly transparent in this book, not only about the struggles of having a child with a terminal illness, but about their struggles as a husband and wife and as individuals. I wouldn’t call this book ‘fun’ but I am glad I read it.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veteran Day – Thank You
I sat back last night and just listened as small groups gathered over coffee. Yes, there are people here from the USA, but there are also many other nations represented here: Japan, Taiwan, Belgium, Spain, Russia, France, England, Chili, Argentina, Israel, India, Korea, China… All of them are here to determine the face of technology in the future. Free to travel to this country to exchange ideas for the betterment of us all.
Ask yourself the question; what if there wasn’t a sort of diplomacy? What if the world was ruled by dictators? Would this open exchange of idea occur?
I personally want to thank all the Veterans today. Thank you for the freedoms we have, for the freedoms this world has. Those of you who have served; you who are now serving and those who died serving are true heroes.
Monday, October 4, 2010
I Wish You Knew Her When....
I wish you knew her when she would bowl; it was so awkward because she bowled left handed and bowling with her right hand, she did carry a 190+ handicap.
I wish you knew her the day she a chaperoned for my 3rd grade trip to a farm and sat on a stool and milked a cow by hand. I was so proud; no one else had a mom that could do that, it even impressed the farmer giving the demonstration.
I wish you knew her when she taught us how to body surf in 5 ft waves on Lake Huron one warm August day. We came back to the cabin that night with sand in places that it shouldn’t be and exhausted from laughing and playing the entire day in our clothes. You see we were out on a drive and had not brought our swimsuits. She couldn’t resist and we all just jumped in with our clothes.
I wish you knew her when she would dance the night away. The two step, fox trot, waltz, jitterbug, she was so light on her feet and could follow anyone, and I mean anyone, even a bad dancer. My stepdad never danced before she met my mom and no one believed it when they watched them together, it was because she led.
My mom made a new friend at church yesterday. She was sitting waiting on me to take her into service unable to do it herself, confined to a wheelchair because of the effects of Parkinson’s disease. I watch them talk and chat and share stories about husbands and kids. I think about the fact that people here in Washington have only known my mom since she has been in a wheelchair.
My mom’s mind is still sharp, she laughs easy and if you ask her she knows most of the words to any song out of the 50s. I wish you knew her when…..
Proverbs 17:6
Thursday, September 30, 2010
You Eat There?
After things got going I was walking around with my McDonald’s glass and the rest of the tea when someone stopped me and asked” you eat McDonalds?” She said this in all seriousness. She explained the statement by saying that from my fb (Facebook) post about training, she thought I only ate healthy. Boy is that a wrong perception. Now I don’t hit McDonalds all that often and not nearly as much as I used too, mostly because of time, but also because I do somewhat watch what I eat.
Here is what I have learned in the last 2 ½ years of working out: “What you eat determines your size; Exercise determines your shape.” Think about it, even if you are doing strenuous workouts for a couple of hours a day, you probably only burn between 600 and 800 calories an hour. So unless you are eating less than 1200 calories a day, you are not going to lose weight without changing your diet. If you do just diet you will lose weight and have a flabby body left. Exercise tones the body.
I have lost 3 sizes by changing my habits, portions and adding exercise. I find it interesting that for the last year I have changed my type of exercise and reduced a size, but didn’t lose any weight.
Our physical bodies parallel our spiritual bodies. Our Spiritual diet determines our size; our spiritual exercise determines our shape. If most of our reading/watching is filled with stuff that really isn’t good for us, or if we gorge on only Christian materials and never put them into practice, we will get ‘fat’ and have ‘clogged arteries’. Unless we put our Christian beliefs and teachings to work we will remain soft and flabby.
It doesn’t take much to change; it only takes the determination to make a change.
James 2:21-23
Sunday, July 11, 2010
You see Irene lives in the nursing home and Harold comes to spend the day with her. Irene can’t see any longer and is unable to talk. I’m not sure Irene is really aware of her surroundings, but it doesn’t matter to Harold, for him it is about being with his wife, for better or worse. He misses her being at home with him and misses the conversations they used to have. He is lonely at home these days and goes to bed each night alone. He sits with Irene just to be with her, to try and give her a sense of belonging even though they are apart more than together.
I watch Harold and it is then that you begin to see what is meant in the marriage vows: “until death due you part.”
I think any couple considering marriage should go and find a “Harold and Irene” and understand what a commitment is.
Ecc 9:9
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Honor of Time
I was part of a parade again, walking with a group supporting my brother-in-law that is an elected official. I love being in parades and ‘smoozing’ the crowd along the way. This year was a little different for me , I spent a good part of the parade holding back tears. Not tears of sadness but tears of thankfulness and honor. This year we were placed in the parade right behind a flat bed truck carrying approximately a dozen WWII veterans.
I would be walking along and all of a sudden you would hear the applause start, the people seated in chairs at the side of the road would stand and honor these men for all that they did for this country. You would see the Vietnam vet standing in salute with tears in their eyes.
I had a chance to chat briefly with these men all whom are well into their 90’s and all who you could see were blessed to be part of this great country.
If only we could take the time the other 364 days of the year to honor those men and women with our time, just time to have a cup of coffee or a brief visit. Find a Veteran and find out their name and give them the honor of some time.
Philippians 2:29
Saturday, June 19, 2010
By noon today, all the gear was put away, the body markings had been washed off, the wet clothes were in the washer and we were on our way to lunch. It was hard to think that all the work for the last 10 months was over. I don’t want this to be over this quickly, I even tucked my finishing medal in my pocket to take with me as assurance that today actually happened.
After months of training, I completed my 1st Sprint Triathlon today. I had started training hoping to finish, then it became a goal to finish in less than 2 hours. In the last few weeks I had set a personal goal to finish in 1:45. I was feeling good about what my body was able to do.
I held back tears as I made the final turn back into the park towards the finish line. I held it together and as I crossed the line there was a large digital clock showing my un-official time as 1:19, I could hardly believe my eyes. They hung a medal around the neck of everyone as they crossed the line. It was more about finishing then about winning. I gathered up my gear, packed it back into my bag and headed for the car. I stopped to read the official results that were being posted as people finished. I found my name and saw that I had finished 148th out of 300+ finishers. I was 4th in my age group with a time of 1:07:16. I almost fainted when I read that I have finished in just over 67minutes.
Over the last couple of weeks I have had more than one moment of panic when I thought about what I was planning on doing. But it would be for only a moment because I knew I am ready. I trained hard physically and mentally for this challenge. I have kept the triathlon in perspective and balanced my life around it. I have handled the disruptions in training and the setbacks from illness and injury.
I didn’t get to this point by saying what I couldn’t do. I didn’t get to this point by watching someone else do all the work. I didn’t get to this point by only talking about it. I had to set the goal, have the faith to reach the goal and put in the hours and sweat to get to this point.
When I started working out for the very 1st time I made the following notation in my journal: Hopefully this will work for me so that I 1) get in shape, 2) get my attitude in a better shape, 3) get motivated about other things.
I can honestly say that because of the last 20 months of working out I have achieved all of these. I have dropped 25 lbs and can maintain it, I look at life as an opportunity and not a challenge and I am motivated in many areas including one of my hearts desires to complete a triathlon.
Psalm 71:7-8
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Tri Minus One
I started this week with a plan, a plan of rest, nutrition and hydration. It turned out to be a week of improvising. I ended up with a minor medical problem that has forced more rest more then I planned and all but eliminated any of the training I was going to do. My taper turned into a halt. I did get in a workout on Monday and Tuesday but just couldn’t do one the rest of the week. My wings are clipped at least through the weekend and then we will play it by ear from there.
I still would like to get one more run in and at least one more swim in a lake with the wetsuit. Not sure if it will be possible. But what I do know is that I will compete in the triathlon in exactly one week and I will complete it. I know that all the training I have done to this point has made me ready. Now it is more about me being ready mentally than it is physical.
So as I rest and prepare all my gear and continue to work on nutrition and hydration, I will be flexible and improvise and attempt to get those last workouts in when and if I can.
Jeremiah 29:11
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Tri Minus Two
Along this journey there have been some funniest moments but this afternoon was probably the strangest. We have new neighbors moving in and I wonder what they thought as I stood out in the rain in my wetsuit as Kyle hosed me down. I needed to practice taking a wet wetsuit off and transition to the bike and then to the run.
For our older neighbors this would just be another one of those “what are they doing now” moments. They have watched me hit golf balls in a bucket while in a leg cast, watched me weed the garden while on crutches and other various not your typical activities. So for them to watch me run around the house in a wetsuit, strip it off, put on shoes and helmet and take off on the bike in the ran only to return 15 minutes later, park the bike, remove my helmet and take off running just seem normal for me.
On Friday I had a moment where I realized that I was within reach of completing this journey. It made me pause for a moment of panic. Yes, I had a catch in my stomach when I realized how close this is. But it was only a moment because I know I am ready. I have training hard physically and mentally for this challenge. I have kept the triathlon in perspective and balanced my life around it. I have handled the disruptions in training and the setbacks from illness and injury. With less than 2 weeks left it is now time to focus on Rest, Nutrition and Hydration. It is the little things that will make the biggest impact now.
So as I do some significant taper and work on the last of the little details it will be an interesting week.
Exodus 23:20
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Our Tenth Anniversary
Today is the first of the major milestone anniversaries we will celebrate. The 10th anniversary is signified by Tin or Aluminum because to the pliability that they symbolize. A successful marriage needs to be flexible and durable with the ability to be bent without breaking. This anniversary is about the durability of our commitment to one another for the past decade and the decades to come.
A Daffodil is also a symbol of the 10th anniversary, its trumpet-shaped flowers represents the joy, cheerfulness and happiness we bring to each other every day.
Thank you Kyle for being “the perfect husband”, I love you.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tri Minus Three
I am taking advantage of the 3 day weekend to recharge emotionally and physically while celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. Even though we walked about 6 miles today, it is about sleeping in, taking naps and going to bed early.
It has been a very emotionally stressful week and with all that was going on I was only able to work out 3 nights and at that really only got a full workout in on Tuesday. I probably could have pushed myself to work out more, but it would have been non-productive and probably lead to an injury.
I had planned on starting my taper this week, but I will adjust my plans slightly to make up for last week. I did reach one of my goals when I ran 2.4 miles Tuesday night. This week I will only do 1.6 mile as I am starting to feel the effects of running in my bad knee and I need to make sure not to do any damage this close to the event.
I also hope to don my wet suit and do some swimming out in a lake and going on a 20 mile bike ride at least once this week on my road bike. Most of my riding has been on the stationary bike and I really need to get some saddle time in.
So as of now I am 20 days from this major goal that I have been training for since August of last year, I don’t want to blow it now.
Psalm 63:1
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tri Minus Four
Relaxed a bit this week, wanted to ward off an overuse injury. I am ready for one more week of intense workouts and then it will be a new challenge, the challenge of tapering off on my training. I will push every one of my goals this week and at this time I am exceeding all of the individual disciplines by at least 10 percent.
It has been an amazing journey so far. If you would of told me a year ago that I would be able to do what I can now do physically I would have laughed at you. I would have told you that you were nuts if you would have told me that I was on track to run 2.5 miles this week. Run any length yet alone more than 2 miles.
I didn’t get to this point by saying what I couldn’t do. I didn’t get to this point by watching someone else do all the work. I didn’t get to this point by only talking about it. I had to set the goal, have the faith to reach the goal and put in the hours and sweat to get to this point.
1 Peter 1:8-10
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Tri Minus Five
I am resting on the couch this afternoon feeling the effects of an amazing week of workouts. I exceeded all of my training goals this week. I was able to swim 500 yds for the 1st time; I ran 3 different times and actually did 1.5 miles on Saturday after a 6 mile bike ride.
One thing about doing a triathlon is that it is a great ice breaker or conversation starter. I spent time this past week talking with a number of people that are either doing their 1st or have done a number of triathlons and it is great to have that connection. It is something that not everyone can understand, but is definitely is something that I will never forget.
Yesterday afternoon as I was limping around when I had someone ask me why I was doing a triathlon. That is a good question. All I know is that I remember watching the “Wild Word of Sports” when they would air the Iron Man Triathlon and wondering what that would be like? It has been a thought that has never left. When I found out that there were such things as Sprint Triathlons and I needed another goal for this year, I found myself saying why not.
As I tell everyone, I am not old, just more experienced.
2 Thessalonians 1:11
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Tri Minus 6
It was a better week this week, of course it would be.
I went on my first official run in the new shoes and it felt pretty good and then on Saturday I did my first official “brick” (a bike ride immediately followed by a run) workout.
I am feeling much better both physically and mentally this weekend than I did last weekend. I hurt less and accomplished more.
This weekend we celebrated family. On Saturday we celebrated my husband’s Grandmother’s 100th birthday and then today, I spent most of the day with my mom doing what she wanted to do.
My husband’s side of the family is pretty active; there are a few runners in the mix so they were all pretty encouraging when I told them about my goal to do a Sprint Triathlon. Who knows maybe I will get Garrett to do the STP next year.
I’m still thinking that my next goal will be knitting, but things are much better this week, especially knowing that next month this will all be over.
2 Timothy 2:19
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Tri Minus 7
Whose idea was this?
After resting for the last two weeks I was feeling great. Until I worked out Monday night I didn’t realize just how great. One night of working out (at about 75% intensity by the way), and I was really sore on Tuesday. What was I thinking that I could complete a triathlon? “Whose idea was this?” A very close friend of mine was quick to point out that it was my own!
Just like the frog who was placed in a pan of cold water and the heat was added slowly, the frog got so used to the warmth that it didn’t realize that it was slowly being cooked. I have been working out for that last two years and slowly increasing the intensity and the pain has just become a part of my life.
No don’t panic, I am too stinking close to the end to not complete this endeavor, but I also know that because of the work I have done for the last two years I can live without pain as long as I exercise moderately. You see, before I started working out I was in more pain then I am currently, I just didn’t know that I would ever live without it.
So, seven more weeks of training and I will complete one of my life dreams and then, who knows, I just may learn to knit.
Revelation 21:4
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tri Minus 8
I took this past week off to recover from a head cold and to let my body recover from the months of training I have been doing. I started feeling better on Tuesday but made myself take the full week off. I’m really glad I did. It has been a good week.
I will now work back up to the performance level I was at and probably be fresher during the actual event then I would have been before. I will go back into the gym with not only my body rested but my mind refreshed as well. Working out will be something I want to do and not just something I have to do.
I’m excited for what this week will bring.
Happy Training
Isaiah 38:15-17
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Tri Minus 9
Go Go Speed Racer
What a week, started out on Monday morning feeling like I was going to change the world and by Monday night I thought I was going to have to crawl out to my car when I finished my workout. I just had no energy and it was hard to finish. I woke up on Tuesday night feeling like I had been beat up. Then it all made since on Wednesday morning when I woke up with a full blown Head Cold!!!. I can’t remember the last time I felt as bad as I did on Wednesday and Thursday. Since I recently started a new job I had to go to work in spite of feeling like I was about to die and afraid I wouldn’t. I made it through each day, but needless to say I didn’t work out the rest of the week.
Saturday morning the Tri-a-Tri Reach Team had our monthly meeting and this weeks focus was the Run. The plan was to meet at Lake Tye and take a run/walk around the lake. Feeling not the best I wasn’t sure I wanted to go, but that is the value of having a group to work with. I wanted to be there to encourage the others. I dress and show up and boy am I glad I did. Saturday is probably the 1st time since 1978 that I purposely went for a “run”. I actually made it about ½ way around running. I ran the 1st ¼ then walked a ¼ , ran a ¼ and walked that last ¼. I know that had I wanted to push it, I could have made the entire trip at a slow run, but the idea here is to not blow out my knee doing this.
This morning I woke up and my knee is feeling good and the muscles in my thighs and hips know that they did something new on Saturday. That is a good feeling. Knowing that all the time I have been spending to get my knee as strong as it can is working.
Now as for the cold, it is still hanging in there and I am going to use it to my advantage and with 9 weeks left, I am going to take this week off to get over the cold and let my body have a much deserved break. I will then get back to the routine so that with 8 weeks left I will peak at the time of the event and not need to worry about being over trained.
Ephesians 5:15-17
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Tri Minus 10
I am feeling extremely strong right now. As I was telling my husband on Saturday, the challenge I have right now is to keep fit and not have any weird or unforeseen things come up that would derail me being in the event on the 19th of June.
I recently started a new job and on Thursday it was suggested that I should go on a 2 week business trip in June. Really? What dates? Guess what, I would be returning home on the 18th, the day before the triathlon. Oh and did I mention that the trip would be to India? Can anyone say jet lag?
Now the trip is still being considered and nothing is firm yet but I am so excited for the opportunity to travel to India. Like I always say, I will travel anywhere once. I’m torn about the timing and won’t know for a couple of weeks if I will be going and what exactly the dates are.
In the meantime I will keep working hard and expecting the best.
Philippians 3:11-13
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Tri Minus 11
Last Thursday I was doing my workout and as I was walking on the treadmill I looked over to where this woman was running. I was trying to see what speed she had the treadmill set at. I have never ‘run’ on a treadmill and as I approach the time when I will start to actually run, I am trying to figure out what the settings should be for me to run at. Anyways, as I was looking over at her machine she pulled the earbuds from her ears and asked me what I was doing. Now the good thing is that this is a woman that I have had chats with over the last two years as I spend time working out and I have told her of my knee issues and what I am attempting to do this summer so when I explained she was quite helpful and we talked about running and knee issues. She asked me when had been the last time I had run as part of my training. I thought for a minute and then told her it had been back when I was in college and would run as part of pre-season conditioning or as part of practice. Are you ready for this: 1978!!!!
Really, I have not ‘ran’ as part of training or just for the sake of running in 32 years. What do I think I am doing planning on running my 1st triathlon NOW? I would have never believed it myself even a year ago, but to tell you the truth, I am confident that I will complete a triathlon this year.
Joshua 14:9-11
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tri Minus 12
Spring is officially here and of course with the spring comes the rains. Here in the Northwest , rain is usually just a continuation of the winter rains, but this year we had an exceptionally dry winter and now that it is raining it seems so out of place. The rains are good and it is helping to bring out all the new growth and preparing the ground for the summer. It is the rains that soften up the hard ground to enable the new growth or new fruit to come out of the ground. I’m really not a fan of spring, but I endure for the pleasure of the summer and fall. Working out is the same as the spring rains. Sometimes you have to endure the tough workouts, the schedule interruptions and the sore body parts to be able to succeed and enjoy your goals. The workouts loosen up some of the old tight muscles to allow new agility and ability.
Last Saturday I sustained a minor knee injury and thought I could just “work it out”. I didn’t back down on my intensity or length of my workouts last week and I found myself this Saturday limping quite badly. I’m sure that would be a clue that “working it out” didn’t happen. With that said, I will plan on taking it easier this week and working more on the core and less on the cardio and giving my knee a rest.
The injury is just something that happened, but how long it hinders will be up to me. I can continue to put too much stress on it or I can change my workouts and allow this old body to heal before putting high demands on it.
Matthew 9:16-18
Monday, March 22, 2010
Tri Minus 13
On Tuesday I had a grueling all day interview, I met with 6 people that day. When it was all said and done, I felt like I had nailed it and found the perfect job opportunity. I came home fixed dinner, cleaned the kitchen and sat on the couch for a few moments before heading out for a workout. Once I sat for a few minutes I was on the verge of falling asleep. I was done in both physically and emotionally. My body was telling me to take a break, and you know what? I did. I went upstairs and filled the Jacuzzi tub, grabbed a book and blew off my workout.
I know I could have pushed myself and did my workout, but would it really have helped? I don’t think so. I know from experience you can push too much and actually over train. I have no guilt about the rest and in fact I felt fantastic on Wednesday and Thursday night when I worked out.
So, remember, listen and treat your body to a day off once and awhile.
Hebrews 4:3-5
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Tri minus 14
One of the things to remember when you are training is that you need to have some fun along the way as well. This week I was given the opportunity to attend a performance of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. It was being staged by the 4th and 6th grades at Bear Creek School. It was great; the kids all were amazing with the Shakespearian dialog. There facial expressions were just perfect. At times I was laughing so hard I had tears in my eyes.
It was a great way to unwind and let my body recover from all the hard work. Laughter and good friends, tic doesn’t get any better than that.
Remember it is not too late to start training; there are many 9 week training plans out there.
Psalm 126:1-3
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Tri Minus 15
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tri Minus 16
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Tri Minus 17
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Tri Minus 18

Another week gone, was it a good one? I had 3 really good nights of working out, can’t say I did all that much with the rest of the week.
My body is feeling pretty good these days and I’m finding my rhythm in the gym. One night this week a friend asked me if I was heading to workout and my response: “Yes, I’m going to go and feed my obsession.” That is one thing about me, when I go for something, I put everything into it. The biggest problem I have now is that I need to be careful not to over train. I did this when I was training for the STP in 1998. I was blessed to have gotten a cold a month before the ride so that I actually had to rest.
So this week the goal is to stay on schedule and not push it too hard and not get carried away and keep feeling good.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Tri minus 19

I just finished watching the Saints beat the Colts. What a good game. Both teams played well, one took the secure route and the other took chances. That onside kick to start the 2nd half turned the game. The Colts and their steady game plan just could recover after that.
I guess that’s how I feel about this triathlon. I could take the easy route and NOT run, be conservative and not risk another injury, but where would that get me. It would get me where I was in the spring of 2008, 25 lbs heaver, out of shape and hardly able to get myself out of a chair. I would not have made it to the top of Mt St Helen’s last summer.
Risk need to be managed and thought through, but to fear and not take chances only leaves you wondering what might have been.
I had a good week in the gym this week. It was pretty intense and I swam without pain in my shoulders 2 nights. I felt like I had won the battle this week. It sure helps to have weeks like that as you train over time. It helps to balance out the down weeks and keep you going.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Tri minus 20

Three good nights of working out last week and I’m ready to hit it just a bit harder this week. I always enjoy with our Forgiveness Bible Study meets and it is so worth giving up a couple of work outs a month.
We are at 20 weeks or 5 months how do you want to look at it. Yesterday I was typing up my journal from 2008 (I write every day, or at least try) and it was at the end of May when I 1st joined the Y and started working out. Here is what I wrote on why I was working out:
Hopefully this will work for me so that I 1) get in shape, 2) get my attitude in a better shape, 3) get motivated about other things.
I can honestly say that because of the last 20 months of working out I have achieved all of these. I have dropped 25 lbs and can maintain it, I look at life as an opportunity and not a challenge and I am motivated in many areas including one of my hearts desires to complete a triathlon.
If you are looking for a training plan here is a website that can be helpful:
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Tri minus 21

Very busy week and a great week of working out, both the knee and shoulders made improvement this week. On Wednesday I did an hour on the stationary bike followed by a 40 minutes on the treadmill. I must admit my endurance is coming along fine. I was most excited about the 30m I did in the pool one night with 25m using my arms (all the others were legs only).
Last week was the launch of the new semester of Reach Teams and many new people getting signed up to join me in this endeavor. I have also started getting the guest speakers for our monthly meetings lined upped and I am getting more and more excited. If you want to join us use this link to sign yourself up. Tri – A – Tri.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Tri Minus 22

What a week, on a personal level it had both ups and downs, but mostly ups. On the Training front it was a good week. Made it to a workout 3 nights last week, it is always a balancing act to get workouts in when you live a full life.
I felt good with my workouts this week. I am only able to do Cardio right now due to injuries to both a knee and a shoulder. The knee I partially separated in the pool one night just swimming laps. Note to self – DO NOT swim without the knee brace. This week I should be able to start some weights this week to get everything back as strong as I can and to kick the cardio up 10 or 15 minutes more each night. I plan on working out 4 nights this week.
The shoulder I actually developed tendonitis on New Years Day from painting. To say that I can be focused and a little obsessive when it comes to getting a task completed might be a little LIGHT – to quote a commercial currently airing. I painted for 11 hours straight on the 1st just to finish up a project. So now 2 weeks later my shoulder has settled down enough to start a little Physical Therapy and work the rest of the soreness out before I can hit the pool for any swimming.
I will be starting this week off on a very positive note: I am officially registered for the Cottage Lake Tri & Tri Again – Sprint Triathlon. I have some friends that wanted to support me in this experience and so they surprised me and sent in the registration for me. I am so amazed and delighted I just can’t put it into words what that meant to me. When I opened the box and saw the registration confirmation I cried.
So now there are no excuses, the money has been paid I will do this, who will join me?
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Tri minus 23

Here it is the start of T-week 23. On June 19, 2010 I will complete my 1st ( and possibly only) Sprint Triathlon. For the next 23 weeks as I train I plan on sharing some of my wins, failures, and thoughts as I go through this journey. I hope in writing as I go is three fold. 1st it is a way of making myself accountable to all of you. 2nd I believe that as I share I will get encouragement from those that read this and 3rd I hope to prove to some of you that you too can tackle this or other challenges you may be facing.
A few weeks ago I read an interesting article on; 6 Tips for Turning Resolutions Into Reality. These tips will work with every area of your life, not just training for an endurance event.
Start With a Specific and Realistic Goal
How often do we start out the New Year with a whole list of things that we are going to do different but we only talk generalities. Don’t say you are going to loose weight; say you are going to loose 5 pounds. Don’t just say you are going to get into shape, set a goal to be able to walk 3 miles by July 4th. Don’t just say you are going to read the Bible, set a goal to read it through more than once this year ( Just 15 Pages A Day)
Follow a Realistic Training Program
If you are trying to loose 5 pounds, you will need to alter your lifestyle to reduce calories in your diet. Not starve for a month and then go back to the way you always did things. You will just put the weight back on. A number years ago I cut the wasted sugars out of my diet (sodas, candy, desserts) after 6 weeks I lost one whole size and didn’t gain any weight for more than a decade without exercising.
Break it Down
Break your resolution into a few smaller, more digestible pieces (check points) throughout the year. If your goal is to get into shape, don’t try and run a marathon your 1st night in the gym, work into a routine where you are developing muscle and endurance.
Let Your Goals Evolve
Change takes time. Be patient and persistent. There will be ups and downs; but if you stick with
Reward Yourself
Treat yourself to a massage or special gift when you reach a mini-goal. It is a great way to stay motivated and celebrate reaching the next checkpoint.
Surround Yourself With Support
Join a Reach Team. Tell everyone you know about your goals. You’ll have a built-in motivational source, plenty of friends to chat with along the way and someone to get you going when you’re not inclined.
Thanks for visiting and be sure to return and check out my progress.