Three good nights of working out last week and I’m ready to hit it just a bit harder this week. I always enjoy with our Forgiveness Bible Study meets and it is so worth giving up a couple of work outs a month.
We are at 20 weeks or 5 months how do you want to look at it.Yesterday I was typing up my journal from 2008 (I write every day, or at least try) and it was at the end of May when I 1st joined the Y and started working out.Here is what I wrote on why I was working out:
Hopefully this will work for me so that I 1) get in shape, 2) get my attitude in a better shape, 3) get motivated about other things.
I can honestly say that because of the last 20 months of working out I have achieved all of these.I have dropped 25 lbs and can maintain it, I look at life as an opportunity and not a challenge and I am motivated in many areas including one of my hearts desires to complete a triathlon.
If you are looking for a training plan here is a website that can be helpful:
Very busy week and a great week of working out, both the knee and shoulders made improvement this week.On Wednesday I did an hour on the stationary bike followed by a 40 minutes on the treadmill.I must admit my endurance is coming along fine.I was most excited about the 30m I did in the pool one night with 25m using my arms (all the others were legs only).
Last week was the launch of the new semester of Reach Teams and many new people getting signed up to join me in this endeavor.I have also started getting the guest speakers for our monthly meetings lined upped and I am getting more and more excited. If you want to join us use this link to sign yourself up. Tri – A – Tri.
What a week, on a personal level it had both ups and downs, but mostly ups.On the Training front it was a good week.Made it to a workout 3 nights last week, it is always a balancing act to get workouts in when you live a full life.
I felt good with my workouts this week.I am only able to do Cardio right now due to injuries to both a knee and a shoulder.The knee I partially separated in the pool one night just swimming laps.Note to self – DO NOT swim without the knee brace.This week I should be able to start some weights this week to get everything back as strong as I can and to kick the cardio up 10 or 15 minutes more each night.I plan on working out 4 nights this week.
The shoulder I actually developed tendonitis on New Years Day from painting.To say that I can be focused and a little obsessive when it comes to getting a task completed might be a little LIGHT – to quote a commercial currently airing.I painted for 11 hours straight on the 1st just to finish up a project.So now 2 weeks later my shoulder has settled down enough to start a little Physical Therapy and work the rest of the soreness out before I can hit the pool for any swimming.
I will be starting this week off on a very positive note:I am officially registered for the Cottage Lake Tri & Tri Again – Sprint Triathlon.I have some friends that wanted to support me in this experience and so they surprised me and sent in the registration for me.I am so amazed and delighted I just can’t put it into words what that meant to me.When I opened the box and saw the registration confirmation I cried.
So now there are no excuses, the money has been paid I will do this, who will join me?
Here it is the start of T-week 23.On June 19, 2010 I will complete my 1st ( and possibly only) Sprint Triathlon.For the next 23 weeks as I train I plan on sharing some of my wins, failures, and thoughts as I go through this journey.I hope in writing as I go is three fold.1st it is a way of making myself accountable to all of you. 2nd I believe that as I share I will get encouragement from those that read this and 3rd I hope to prove to some of you that you too can tackle this or other challenges you may be facing.
A few weeks ago I read an interesting article on; 6 Tips for Turning Resolutions Into Reality.These tips will work with every area of your life, not just training for an endurance event.
Start With a Specific and Realistic Goal
How often do we start out the New Year with a whole list of things that we are going to do different but we only talk generalities.Don’t say you are going to loose weight; say you are going to loose 5 pounds.Don’t just say you are going to get into shape, set a goal to be able to walk 3 miles by July 4th.Don’t just say you are going to read the Bible, set a goal to read it through more than once this year ( Just 15 Pages A Day)
Follow a Realistic Training Program
If you are trying to loose 5 pounds, you will need to alter your lifestyle to reduce calories in your diet.Not starve for a month and then go back to the way you always did things.You will just put the weight back on.A number years ago I cut the wasted sugars out of my diet (sodas, candy, desserts)after 6 weeks I lost one whole size and didn’t gain any weight for more than a decade without exercising.
Break it Down
Break your resolution into a few smaller, more digestible pieces (check points) throughout the year.If your goal is to get into shape, don’t try and run a marathon your 1st night in the gym, work into a routine where you are developing muscle and endurance.
Let Your Goals Evolve
Change takes time. Be patient and persistent. There will be ups and downs; but if you stick with
Reward Yourself
Treat yourself to a massage or special gift when you reach a mini-goal. It is a great way to stay motivated and celebrate reaching the next checkpoint.
Surround Yourself With Support
Join a Reach Team. Tell everyone you know about your goals. You’ll have a built-in motivational source, plenty of friends to chat with along the way and someone to get you going when you’re not inclined.
Thanks for visiting and be sure to return and check out my progress.
Kapp Putsch Briefly Ousts Weimar Republic Government (1920)
The fledgling Weimar Republic was just a year old when a renegade right-wing military unit made the first serious coup attempt. The government had tried to disband the unit to comply with the Versailles Treaty—which limited military power in Germany—so the brigade took Berlin. The legitimate regime fled, and Wolfgang Kapp, a radical civil servant, formed a new government. Within days, the coup collapsed and the former regime returned, thanks to a massive swell of support from whom?More...Discuss