Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I Promise

Promises, promises, promises – how many promises are made and never fulfilled? How many advertisers make promises; “Lose 20lbs in just 6 weeks” , “32 MPG”, “ lowest prices anywhere”. Often the words “I Promise” are used to convince someone of sincerity and yet there is no intention of following thru. Too often in our world a promise is meaningless.

Yesterday we fulfilled a financial promise we made about 3 years ago, a commitment that required some sacrifice on our part and a lot of trust in the Lord. This promise was not easy to keep and we were even released from that promise. Along the journey many obstacles arose to hinder us from keeping that promise. My mother needed help to get the care she needs with her disabilities, I was laid off and out of work for 4 months, when I did start work our house hold income was 18% less than before the layoff, and our son was married and we supported that financially.

We had every reason to give up on our commitment and yet it is not in our nature to go back on our word. So what did it mean? We don’t drive new cars, I have basically the same wardrobe I had three years ago and a number of ‘nice to haves’ were not had. It is now that we have overcome all the obstacles that we see how staying focused on the end, being true to our word and trusting in God made it all the more sweet to overcome and be victorious in the end.

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