Saturday, August 2, 2008

N- Nuclear Fusion and Normalize

Nuclear Fusion – the joining together of two nuclei to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy, if you this about it, this is also the definition of marriage. You take two individuals that are powerful and full of energy in their own right, full of potential to accomplish so much. But then join the two to where they become one and there is an release of energy and potential that cannot be artificially produced and is difficult to control. But just like Nuclear Fusion if this energy is not controlled it can be explosive and destructive. Fusion reactions power the stars and if we could figure out how to control it we could power produce enough energy from eight gallons of water equivalent to 2,500 gallons of gasoline.

Normalize – is the process of cooling a metal so that it does not become brittle. Have you ever watched a black smith shape a horse shoe? The heat the metal to glowing red hot and then start to hammer it into shape. At just the right time the shoe is dipped in a bucket of cold water that cools the metal and then back to the furnace for more heat and then a few more hammer blows and another dip in the bucket. This process repeats until the shoe is at the right shape and the right strength. The heating of the metal until it is glowing hot releases the stresses inside allowing the black smith the ability to form it and shape it. The hammer blows shape the metal into a specific purpose. The hammer blows also induce stress and if too many are made at one time the metal itself will break. The dip into the water is the where the stresses are annealed and the strength and shape from the hammer blows are trapped inside. Have you ever taken a metal coat hanger and bent it back and forth until it broke? Ever notice how hot those ends got? That is what happens when the metal is not normalized or annealed.

I have found that in my own walk with the Lord that there are times when the pressures of the day are hot to the point that I am glowing, it is in that time that I am stretched, hammered and formed. But there is always a time where I am cooled and come out ready to work hard and I will not break. I have been made for such a time as this.

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