An elderly woman being accompanied by her daughter who is just a younger version of the first are sitting towards the front. There is the family traveling with 3 small children. A couple of young mothers one whose child sleeps quietly the others does not want to sit in one place. A college student is busy reading a text book while the business man is sleeping while the movie playing goes unwatched.
We all sit on the same airplane headed to the same destination, at least on this flight. We all get on for different reasons, some visiting family, some returning home, so going on vacation, all different reasons but a common destination.
As I sit and work on my laptop while my husband naps next to me I think about how being on this airplane is a small version of life. At different stages or “legs” of our travel we are doing life together. We spend time with people and then for various reasons we lose contact with people that we were once close to. Our travel companions though life will change, but we must chose to travel with the right people and along the right path.
After 3+hours we arrive at our destination and all of us get off of the plane. Some are done and will return to their homes, some will rush off to catch another flight, some like us are just moving onto a different mode of transportation to continue our trip.
Proverbs 13:20
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