Every morning I try and send an email to one of my friends. On Monday I sent her email from work, it was 5:20am. In that email I told her we were going to have a “Fantastic” week since both of us have had some pretty rough ones for the last month or so. So here it is Saturday morning and I thought I would share what my week looked like:
Monday: Woke up at 3:15 and had to leave the house at 4am to take my husband to work, I had to make an unplanned trip with my mom to the doctor, got off work at 6pm, Kyle had a tooth ache and we were up most of the night.
Tuesday: Got to work at 7 and the critical parts that were due in that day did not get shipped and so we were down another day. Took my mom to the dentist, went back to work until 4:30 and then went and watched my grand daughter play soccer, came home and cooked steak for some of the interns.
Wednesday: I got to work at 7 and again the parts had not arrived and now people were really getting upset, I took my mom to the dentist again, got a call that I had to go and pick Kyle up at his dentist because he had a root canal and they had to knock him out. When I got there to get him at about noon they told me I was going to have to stay with him for the rest of the day, so much for going back to work and the two critical meetings I had scheduled. I had one of them via cell phone and the other one someone else had to cover for me. After that I had a restful afternoon.
Thursday: I got up at 4am to take Kyle to get his truck that we left at the dentist so I got to work at 5am and the parts had finally arrived and we shipped 60 of the 120 systems were needed to ship this week. I left work at 4:30, went and watch my granddaughters last soccer game of the year and then came home.
Friday: I got to work thinking that every thing should go smoothly and then we found out that we hadn’t built up enough of another required part so the balance of the big shipment would wait again. I got to go and have lunch with Kyle, went back to the office and finished up another big project that needed to get done, got off work at 5, came home and did laundry while watching TV with Kyle.
Saturday: Kyle and I are taking my mom for a drive to Leavenworth to see the fall colors and to have lunch, practice at 5 then done.
So there you have my fantastic week.
Here is a snap shot of my Morale-o-Meter to show you just how bad things have been.