Pain is a part of life; in fact pain is actually vital to survival. Pain reminds us to pull back from something that would hurt us like fire or extreme cold. Without the ability to feel pain we would suffer great damage to our bodies such as the diabetic does.
So far I have only touched on physical pain, but we all know that there is the emotional pain as well. The pain of losing a family pet, the pain of our first loved failed. The pain of rejection, the pain of love lost. Again pain is critical to our growth. It is through the experience of pain, though usually unpleasant, that we grow and mature. It is through pain that character is built.

So we can choose to avoid pain at any cost, encasing our bodies and souls in a suit of armor not letting anyone or anything in. Not taking any risk and becoming soft and ashen. Or we can buck up and take a hit or two while training for our ultimate purpose and become who God intended us to be.
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