- the weather, at times the heat, humidity and rain make it uncomfortable.
- the sun shine, it really doesn’t take too much of it to burn this fair skin.
- the beach, we actually spend little time on the beach.
- our friends, after nine years we have some strong relationships.
- the compound, the building looks good and serves a purpose.
It is all about the kids. Kids that like to play, a kid like Joey that is working hard to make something of his life and yet he is only 11, kids that just want a little attention.
It is about seeing my husband walking down the middle of a dusty dirt road with a line of children linked hand and hand on either side of him as they laugh, giggle and squeal with delight marching down the street counting in English with each step and when they get to ten he does a little dance that leaves them crying out for more.

It is all about the kids
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