It all started when I got a call from the nurse at Spring Estates saying that I needed to take my mom to be checked by a doctor. They are concerned about how she is acting, but also knowing that they tend to over react I head off down to Kenmore.
I load her into the van and we head off to the hospital ER. While in the waiting room I have just enough time to get a quick text off to a few folks that I know would pray. Then back to the exam room we go.
They come in ask a few questions and then tell us that they want to do a few test before they decide and the waiting starts. It is then that I realize that even though I had good coverage in the waiting room, there is zero coverage in the exam room. As I sit there and my mom dozes as we wait for the test results I really want to “reach out” and touch someone but I also don’t want to leave my mom in case the doctor comes back while I am gone. So I sit and wait, sit and wait.
Finally, the doctor comes in and declares my mom in good shape and he sends us on our way. Due to my mom Parkinson’s she has some interesting reactions to certain things.
As I sat there and waited I reflected on how we are so tied to being in constant connection. We get so frustrated when we can’t contact anyone at anytime. How dare someone not be at our beck and call or how important am I that I can’t be out of contact for just a few hours, I may actually miss something.
Then I thought about how we are never out of range for prayer and that the Word promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. When we are out of range of everyone else, our families, our friends, our pastors we are always within range of the Holy Spirit.
“Lord, Can You hear me now? Good.”
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