Since coming to joining this company, “Casual Friday” has taken on a whole new meaning. The people in the office I work out of were once a start-up company that was bought out by a larger company. These folks all have back grounds with Microsoft and the Dot Com era so they tend to be a little more casual. Just this week we had visitor come and spend a few days in the office and the VP of Technology sent us all an email asking us to dress in more business attire and maintain normal business hours.
I for one have a closet full of ‘business’ attire so that is what I where every day except Casual Friday when I will allow myself to wear a pair of nice jeans a jacket or sweater and nice shoes. No tennis shoes (except for while I am on my afternoon walk), no t-shirts, no sweat shirts.
For the rest of the team since they think business casual means a pair of jeans and a sweater or a nice t-shirt, Casual Friday is a sight to behold. The last couple of Fridays I have been in the office my boss has worn his Grey Sweatsuit. Now I’m not talking about a nice warm up or jogging suit. I’m talking about the plain, no logo anywhere with elastic cuffs at the ankles sweatsuit.
Maybe I’m just a little on the old fashioned and set in my ways, but I know that dressing for success is important. The way you dress not only effects how you behave, but it effects how