I accepted a new job offer and resigned from my old job this change was one of absolute elation, relief and peace. My job had been a source of deep displeasure, but at the same time whenever there is change, there is an amount of fear of the unknown and uncertainty.
The BAD:
Our oldest son, his wife and our only granddaughter moved out of town to Phoenix, some 1400 miles away a change full of pride, sorrow and loss. I was extremely proud of my son for taking the steps necessary to follow his dream of becoming a full time fireman, to not let the potential risk stop him from trying something different. Sorrow and loss because they will not be near and we won’t get to have our granddaughter come and spend a night and play dominos just because we want to.
Next was the loss of my Aunt. Not only did I feel grief, but I also am trying to comfort my mother in this time also. One of the good things that have come about from this loss is that I have made contact through this blog with some of my cousins that I haven’t talked to in over 20 years.
Last Friday night as I woke up just feeling bad, I was sick and just praying it was not the full blown flu that was going around. I so wanted to stay home in bed and yet because I had many things I had to do, I kept going and going and pushed through. At the onset I attributed it to the fact that I had only gotten a few hours sleep on Thursday night. But on Saturday I felt worse, feeling sick to my stomach and couldn’t sleep, Sunday was a little worse and on Monday morning I was just miserable. Sunday night and Monday, I survived on Ginger Ale. By Monday evening I was able to eat a little and here finally today I am 100%.
Life is about changes, we change physically and emotionally until the day we die. Embrace. Some changes are forever, some are temporary, embrace change, manage those you can and don’t let others like illness overtake you.
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