But what about the people in the Board Room, where do they fit? It is in the Board Room where many men and woman prostitute themselves from one company to another just to get a step higher on the corporate ladder. Or how about those that are addicted to money and power? And as for murder; there is so much back stabbing and under cutting that more than one man’s career was killed
Pastor Bill made a statement and I can’t remember now if it was his or something the Pastor Jeff said but here it is, we tend to judge horizontally and rank sin and sinners, but to Jesus it is a horizontal field and sin and sinners are all the same.
Being in the corporate world does not exclude us from the unlovable, they just wear nicer cloths.
That is sooo true. In some cases it can be even more diseeving due to the fake faces that are all around. And you are right they ware nicer cloths too lol
Just goes to show how we all fall short.
Amen sister!!!
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