A friend of mine is trying to get me to buy a motorcycle. She has one and wants me to get one so we can go and ride together on the weekends. She also keeps telling me that I could use it to save gas this summer driving back and forth to work. Considering I am filling up the tank on the Mom Mobile every 4 days and it is costing me more than $60 per tank I am tempted. The only problem is because I live in the Pacific Northwest I would get only about 90 days a year where I could ride a motorcycle comfortable. Now for those of you that don’t know, my 1st paycheck as a college graduate was spent on a motorcycle, I was an avid rider, using my motorcycle any time the weather was above 40 degrees, including a
If I was going to spend money on something that I could only ride for a few months out of the year this would be the vehicle I would ride, a Segway.

I have had two different opportunities to ride a Segway and fell in love with it immediately. After my first ride at a trade show in Detroit, I called my husband and told him I knew what I wanted for Christmas but I am still waiting on that. This thing is so perfectly balanced it only takes a subtle change in body weight to make it change directions or speed. It is as if you only have to think about turning and you turn. I love Segways and they are cheaper than a motor cycle.
May be cheaper but running that thing down I-405 would be a little scary LOL :D
YAH Motorcycles Rock...and to see YOUR face light up when talking about getting one.....I tell you, priceless!
I don't take 405, just too inconsistent, I drive through Duvall. Trust me a Segway is more fun than a motorcycle too.
I know, I know.
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