2008 In Review
On January 1st, 2008 this is what I wrote in my journal:
“A new year; a year of change, a year of not wasting opportunity, a year for stronger relationships, a year of better discipline and a year with a deeper time with the Lord.”
Here are some key moments recorded via the blog:
January – new job – I really struggled to be respected in my last job and searched not only for a new job but my heart for the right attitude where I was. Then during the break between Christmas and New Years I came upon a listing on Monstor.com and in just 3 weeks I started on a new endeavor. And here it has been nearly 12 months and even with lots of changes in this uncertain world I am enjoying what I do.
On January 1st, 2008 this is what I wrote in my journal:
“A new year; a year of change, a year of not wasting opportunity, a year for stronger relationships, a year of better discipline and a year with a deeper time with the Lord.”
Here are some key moments recorded via the blog:
January – new job – I really struggled to be respected in my last job and searched not only for a new job but my heart for the right attitude where I was. Then during the break between Christmas and New Years I came upon a listing on Monstor.com and in just 3 weeks I started on a new endeavor. And here it has been nearly 12 months and even with lots of changes in this uncertain world I am enjoying what I do.
February – Aunt Agnes – When you are 95 and have lived life to the fullest I guess we shouldn’t complain that she is at rest. The times I think about, talk about or remember my Aunt aren’t very far apart; she was such a highlight to our lives.
May – Need a Knee Replacement – this was the diagnosis that I got and what did I do with that? I joined the Y and started exercising to strengthen the other muscles and tendons around the damaged one to make my knee more stable. This has turned into one of the best things for my health. At the time I started I could hardly make 10 minutes on the treadmill without too much pain, today I rip off 60 minutes at 8% incline 2 or three nights a week and I am planning on climbing Mt St Helens this summer. It also has helped me to lose 20+ pounds, now who could complain about that?
June – Wings – What can you say, one of the best sports team ever won AGAIN.
July – Orange County Fair – Kyle and I spent a pleasant weekend in Orange County, taking advantage of one of my business trips. That is one thing that I really love about my husband is that he likes to just get away for a day or two to be together.
August – visitors – This summer I had the opportunity to have both my sisters come out for a visit. I enjoy visiting with my sisters and I know it is a blessing to my mom.
October – vacation – What an amazing experience it is to visit Washington DC. You can complain about our country but until you have had to opportunity to visit other nations you just don’t understand how truly blessed we are and how blessed this nation is.
December – discipline – I set goals and objective for myself and one of the key ones is daily reading of the bible. This year I was able to read through the Bible four times by reading 20 pages a day. Every time I do this I learn a little more about our Heavenly Father and about myself.
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