A couple of weeks ago Pastor Jeff used an avalanche beacon to illustrate a point in his Sunday
Tru message. That next Monday morning I was meeting with a group of people to train them on a new product we were releasing that week. While we were waiting on all of the folks to attend someone asked me how it was going. My reply; “I am running as fast as I can to stay ahead of the avalanche of things that need to be done.” The good news is that our company is starting to accelerate; the bad news is that they are not hiring anyone so all of us have more work to do.
We can all get very busy, but are we really accomplishing anything? That is the question that I have to ask myself. I work through lunch, I go in early, I work in the evenings all trying to stay in front of that avalanche. What I really have to focus on in this time is keeping my priorities straight: 1) God, 2) Husband, 3) Family, 4) Church, etc.
I have to remember that work is not my life. I am blessed because I have a job I truly enjoy, but it still needs to be kept in the proper place in my life.
Ecc 9:10
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