For the last 4 years we have had extra residents in our house, our youngest son for 2 different stints and two different sets of interns from church. About a week ago we finally saw the last of them move out. I feel as if finally I have my own house. Not that the guys didn’t have their own room but there is just something about shared living spaces.
To make the transition complete I have spent the last few days painting some of the rooms in our house. There is no longer an intern room and the guy’s bathroom, but today there is an office, Katelynn’s room and the upstairs bathroom. Not only are these areas being repurposed but they have a whole new look to them.
Painting the different rooms in our house has been something that I have wanted to do since we moved in, but my work schedule and other outside responsibilities have always taken a priority over painting both in time and money. We decided that now that we are taking back our house it was the perfect time.
New paint doesn’t change the shape of the room, but sure did change the atmosphere. Having those rooms done, I am really motivated to complete the rest of them; I just need to work it into the schedule.
Last week I attended a conference and it was as if my soul and my spirit got a fresh coat of paint. I am still the same person but marks and wear and tear have been patched, smoothed, washed and refinished giving me a new outlook. I am again motivated to live my life fresh and new every morning.
Lamentations 3:22-24
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