Saturday, September 1, 2007

People Watching

We went to the fair today and took my sister-in-laws two foster girls with us. Last year when we took them it had been the first time they had ever been at a fair or on a carnival ride. This year they were on every ride they could and there was no holding them back. They are 9 and 6 so it was hard for me to let them ride some of the ones they wanted to be on, but in the end they were blessed to have had the chance to go and enjoy the day.

Kyle and I didn’t do any rides, our purpose was to take them and let them have a good time. However, I get to have fun just people watching. Watching the various sizes and shapes, young and old, happy and sad, all the people attending the fair and looking for something to escape into or enjoy for at least a couple of hours.

Kyle has been a ‘meat man’ since he was 16 years old. His job is to delivery meat to butcher shops and stores. So obviously we have meat with every meal. A couple of years ago we were in a little store in Leavenworth, WA and he found this T-Shirt: PETA – People for the Eating of Tasty Animals. He loves to wear this shirt, but what is more impressive is how many people will come up to him and tell him they love it. People have stopped him in airports, Mariner’s games and on the street. We were stopped no less than 5 times today and there were dozens of others that would stand off to the side and grin and comment on it. I get a kick out of watching everyone else glance his way and then realize what it says.

I’m glad my husband is confident to wear this shirt it always is a bright spot for someone when ever he wears it.

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