Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Simple Home Remedies

1. If you're choking on an ice cube, simply pour a cup of boiling water down your throat. Presto! The blockage will instantly remove itself.
2. Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold the vegetables while you chop.
3. Avoid arguments with the females about lifting the toilet seat by using the sink.
4. For high blood pressure sufferers ~ simply cut yourself and bleed for a few minutes, thus reducing the pressure on your veins. Remember to use a timer.
5. A mousetrap placed on top of your alarm clock will prevent you from rolling over and going back to sleep after you hit the snooze button.
6. If you have a bad cough, take a large dose of laxatives. Then you'll be afraid to cough.
7. You only need two tools in life - WD-40 and duct tape. If it doesn't move and should, use the WD-40. If it shouldn't move and does, use the duct tape.
8. Remember - everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
9. If you can't fix it with a hammer, you've got an electrical problem.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
How Did I Get Here?

As small children we see ourselves growing up to be Doctors, Lawyers or Video Game designer all in one day. Then as we grow and experience more of life we start to see ourselves in the Real world and our goals change and become more focused as we set off to college pursuing an education that will ultimately bring us to our career.
Then at some point we sit and wonder, ‘how did I get here’. Circumstance, planning, lack of planning and other outside influences bring us to where we are and it may not have been what we thought it would be 30, 20 or even just 5 years ago.
I grew up in a Detroit suburb where most men I knew, neighbors, uncles, and friends of my parents worked for one of the BIG 3 in the auto industry. When I graduated from college with a Mechanical Engineering degree everyone assumed that I would work for the Big 3. I purposely sought out a career that was as far away as possible from the Auto Industry. It has always been a mis-managed industry and still is today. However, today I work for a company where 98% of customers are Automobile Dealers. Not exactly the Big 3 but as close as you can get. Interesting isn’t it.
At the end my life I don’t want to worry about should have, could have and would have. How did I get here is not the important questions but where am I going.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Can I Have Your Attention Please

It has been a very busy few weeks for me. Family events, moving my mom to a new place, spending time with my friends, working out trying to get back in shape, busy days at work, software upgrades, holidays. All good things, all necessary things, but when is it too much. Have I been so busy that I miss taking the time to talk to the checkout girl in the store? Miss the chance to sit with one of the lonely folks at the nursing home. Miss the chance to take someone out for lunch?
My cat is has just found a subtle way to remind me that we all need attention during the busy, busy time.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Newton's 3rd Law
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
* Smile at a baby and the baby smiles back.
* Tickle a child and hear them giggle.
* Be kind to someone and watch them smile.
Today we live in a society where you can do almost anything you want and never have to think about the effect you will have on someone else. We don’t teach our children about consequences for their actions. We live our secret lives never expecting anyone to find out.
Any yet, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It will hurt someone else.
Let’s think about what we do and the impact it has on other and have a positive effect.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
My New Best Friend

To be honest, I have never been easy on my body, always pushing it to do things it was never meant to do. I played sports and what I lacked in natural ability I made up for in determination and persistence. That is in part why today I have one knee that was rebuilt in the mid-70s and the other needs some major work.
Each night I come home from the Y and grab my bag of peas out of the freeze and sit at my computer or in front of the TV with that bag on a sore body part, a knee, a foot, a shoulder. I know that without my buddy the peas I would be unable to continue the workouts so we have this wonderful relationship where we spend just the right about of time together, not too short and definitely not too long (have you ever had frost bite on your shoulder? I have.)
As I think of it that bag of peas is like family. They help you to remember who you are, they ease some of the pain of life, but you sure don’t want to spend too much time with them.
So next time you have an ache get yourself a bag of frozen peas.
Monday, November 17, 2008
If I Never

………………… I would not fail
………………… I would not over come
……………….. I would not succeed
If I never cared,
………………… I would not feel rejected
………………… I would not feel satisfaction
………………… I would not feel as if I truly lived
If I never loved,
………………… I would not know heart ache
………………… I would not know true happiness
………………… I would not know true love
Friday, November 14, 2008
Leadership is not........

People often think that Leadership is about ‘Telling’ someone what to do, but the truth is leadership is about having the ability to get people to ‘want’ to do things. You get them to want to because you have created a case showing them what the benefits or values are in completing the task. You get people to follow your leadership out of respect for you because they trust that you have a great good in mind and aren’t just doing it for self. Or people follow your leadership because they see where what you are doing will improve them or what they want.
I have had Leaders that I willingly followed and I have had Leaders that I had to follow. Given the choice I would choose a leader that I wanted to follow.
A true leader does not need to bark out commands or threaten.
Leadership is not…..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Shhh, Listen

It is nice to just have quiet.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day
Monday, November 10, 2008
Flooded Fields

Farming along a river has many advantages; the soil is rich, the water is plentiful and the land is flat. However, there is the price you pay for the seasonal flooding. Flooding in this valley is common and that means the residents are more than able and prepared to handle it. It is a price that the owners of this land pay for all the benefits that it offers.
There is always a price to pay; we just need to make sure the benefit out ways the cost.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Factory Reset

What if there was a Blue Button that would allow us to go to a factory reset of our bodies. No more wrinkles, no more scares from the bumps and bruises of life, no more heart ache from being misunderstood and offended. We push the blue button and we are reset to the way we were designed to be.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Just 5 Little Words

Almost 4 years ago I relocated my mom from her home to here. The previous 73yrs Michigan had been the only place she had ever lived. She endured the extreme cold and feet of snow every winter, the high heat and humidity every summer. All that doesn’t change a thing in her heart, it will always be home.
While a residential dwelling is often referred to as a "home," the concept of home is broader than a physical dwelling. Home is often a place of refuge and safety, where worldly cares fade and the things and people that one loves becomes the focus.
Today I was with my mom as we prepare to move her to her 3rd residence in less than 4 years. My mom doesn’t share much of what she if feeling. She tends to just go with the flow, on the outside at least. During that interview she was asked to write any phrase or sentence that came to mind. She wrote 5 little words that had so much power and completely described the impact of what was happening to her.
She has Parkinson’s disease and every day she loses just a little more of that ability to control her body. She keeps being socially engaged in anything she possibly can. To take her outside and allow her to sit in the sun and enjoy the fresh air or to be able to listen to or sing along to music are the things that she enjoys most now.
That phrase, I want to go home.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
What do I think?

So what changed, this great country of ours elected its first non-White president. I sit here and remember vividly the 5 days of pure hell that occurred in 1967 approximately 50 miles from my home. I am talking about the Detroit riots. After the 1st day of the riots my dad took my sister and I out and showed us where his gun was, where the ammo was and how to fire the weapon. I was 11 and my sister was 15. We were taught how to defend our home and our younger siblings incase anything happened while my mom and dad were at work. All it took was one call from my uncle who was a Detroit Cop and we were on alert status.
The origins of urban unrest in Detroit were rooted in a multitude of political, economic, and social factors including police abuse, lack of affordable housing, urban renewal projects, economic inequality, black militancy, and rapid demographic change.
Our election results are truly historical. I am proud of how far this country has come in the last 40+ years. What do I think? This man will work within the confines of our Constitution and do what he truly feels is best for this country. I may not agree with the direction but I will continue to pray for wisdom and clarity for our president and all those around him.
Healthy Foods

I was pleasantly surprised to see that 3 of the items on the list are already a normal part of my life. 1) Water instead of Soft drinks. I cut out unnecessary sugar – no soft drinks, pastries, candy – in my mid- 40s and until recently my weight stayed in check. 2) Eat Walnuts. My favorite snack is walnuts; every weekend when my husband goes to the grocery store he buys me a small bag of walnuts. I ask for the small bag because I have trouble not eating the entire bag so a small one is perfect. 3) Hot Sauce. Anyone that knows me knows that when eating out I use jalapenos or Tabasco sauce on just about everything. I love tasty spicy food. It is true, it makes me feel good.
So what is the point of this, it is just one of those days where I needed to look at what I am doing right and decided to share.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Right Atmosphere
We are designed for a specific atmosphere and it is when we can control our atmosphere that we are at our peak performance. We can protect our atmosphere by what we allow to be around us. We need to protect what we see and hear. We need to provide the proper rest and nutrition for our bodies to thrive. We need to provide an atmosphere that is full of life to live a life that is full.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Vacation - Day 7
After we finished up at Mt Vernon we drove into the city of Alexandria and visited the Carlyle House, a Mansion on the river that was built in 1753 and restored in the 1970’s. After that we walked around town before stopping for a late lunch and a stop at Starbucks before heading back to our motel.
Currently we are packed as much as we can be for an early departure tomorrow. Over all a very good trip, one that we will remember and share with our grand kids some day.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Vacation - Day 6
We parked the car and walked up to The Mall and across it to find the American History Museum. We ended up off by one street and not very far from the National Archives so we stopped there first. Inside we were able to view the original Bill of Rights, Constitution, Declaration of Independence and other documents from our nation’s history. Trying to preserve these documents meant that the lighting in the building was kept low and flash photography was not allowed so there were no pictures to post.
After a couple of hours there we went to the American History Museum only to find that it was closed until November 21st for renovation.
Since our plan was shot we decided to hop back on the tour bus and just go from there. We ended up getting off in Georgetown for lunch at Johnny Rockets and then hopped off again to visit the Spy Museum.
We probably walked another 4 to 5 miles in total today, and I can finally say I am starting to feel it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Vacation - Day 5
On one of our previous days of touring we found a place that had free parking with unlimited time. Most of the free spots in DC are limited to 2 or 3 hours. The only downside is that it was by the Jefferson Memorial and so there was a little bit of a walk to get to The Mall.
We parked and walked up to The Mall where we jumped on to one of the Hop-on/ Hop-off tour busses. This bus went not only around The Mall but also to some of the outlying sites, like Georgetown, Union Station, and Ford Theater.
We hopped off at Ford Theater, the location where President Lincoln was shot. The theater its self was closed for renovations so we went in and saw the house where Lincoln was taken and later died. After that short visit we went to the Hard Rock Café for lunch. Here we had a really nice waitress who even laughed at Kyle’s jokes.
From there we hopped back onto the tour bus and headed out to Washington National Cathedral and Embassy Row. Finally ending up back in front of the Dept of Agriculture where we hopped off and headed back to the car and the end of day 5
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Vacation - Day 4
We also visited the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum and it was there that we witness the pride that one old man felt for his country. His finger out stretched as much as the arthritic knuckles would allow as he showed his companions the places and the battles he fought. The memories more vivid then his voice and yet the pride was there for all that he had done. May we never forget.
Our next stop was the Holocaust Museum. I have seen firsthand Auschwitz and Birkenau, but the images and impact of the slaughter of Jews during WWII are real and potent. May we never forget.
From there we rode the elevator to the top of the Washington Monument and looked out all four sides seeing the monuments and memorials that stand in remembrance and respect for the greatest democracy of the world. May we never forget.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Vacation - Day 3
Our 1st start was the Botanic Gardens where we checked out all the plants from around the world. We then spent a little time walking around in front of the Capital Building but we didn’t get there early enough for a tour inside. After that we walked along the mall to the National Museum of Natural History. It was here that we spent the rest of our touring day looking at dinosaur bones, gems and mineral including the Hope and Pearson diamonds, petrified wood and other natural items.
We have an early morning planned and we were all tired from the heat and sun so it will be a quiet night tonight.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Vacation – Day 2
Today was our first full day in DC, actually the DC area since our hotel is in Arlington, Virginia across the street from Ft Myers. At best estimate we walked 10 miles to day. Thanks P Lori and the RC Posse without all those hours at the Y on the treadmill and I wouldn’t have been able to make it.
Sites seen today:
Arlington National Cemetery
Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Arlington House (Home of Robert E Lee before the Civil War)
Iwo Jima Marine Corp Memorial (photo below)
The Washington Monument
The WW II Memorial
Vietnam Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
Korean Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
A pretty full day if I do say so.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Curve Ahead

Just like in life there really aren’t very many straight portions. We head off on a course but to get to our end goal we have twist and turns, climb and decent, and the ever painful switchbacks where it seems we are just repeating the steps we have taken before. Curves are put in the road to make our travels safer and simpler. It may not seem so at the time, but I know that some of the greatest moments in my travel have come when I round a curve and find the most splendid view imaginable.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Making the Right Choice Isn’t Easy

After he made the announcement to the rest of the executive team this morning, he sent out a companywide email. Here is an excerpt from that email:
“As many of you know, I’ve been living in California this year while my family has stayed in Washington. The plan was for my family to wrap up our affairs in Washington by the end of this summer and then join me in California. After a considerable amount of soul searching we decided that a move to California is not in the best interest of either my wife or my daughter. This left me with the difficult proposition of continuing to spend most of my time in Costa Mesa and commuting back to Seattle on the weekends. This is no way to live; I can’t be an active part of my daughter’s life separated by 1,000 miles.”
Shortly after that he came into my office and we talked a little about the decision. He said it was very hard for him since it had been his career goal to be President and someday CEO and had agonized over it for weeks. He said that once he made the decision he was at peace and knew it was the right one.
Life is about choices and choices are not always easy. In the long run he will be more fulfilled by keeping his family in the right priority. In the short run it could make life interesting for me as we get used to working more closely together and adapt to our new roles.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Paralyzed by Pressure

What changed, I had been paralyzed by the pressure. There was just so much to get done and I had allowed myself to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of it all and was trying to do it all by myself.
So lesson learned, again: I can’t do it all.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Too Much of a Good Thing

This was not an easy task for me and I honestly thought I was over trying to do everything, but apparently not. I can remember back in the mid-80s I worked myself to the point of exhaustion where I was unable to work more than a few hours a day for a few weeks until I could recover from ‘burning the candle at both ends”. At that time I was working full time and basically doing full time ministry full time every evening. I had run at that pace for a couple of years and finally my body said enough.
Until I started this job in January I had a personal rule to not work at home at night. If I needed to work extra I would stay at the office late or go into the office on the weekends. This job being something that not only excites me and brings fulfillment has also given me an excuse to break my own rule. I could use the fact that I need to work with our development team in Russia and that happens after 8pm at night usually but that doesn’t explain why I am on the computer working at 6pm and then most nights not shutting it off until 11pm or later. I figure that I have not had a true day off in almost two months. A day where I did not look at email, answer a phone or work on a project.
So now what? All that I can say is that I made the first step this afternoon in correcting the situation by asking for help. I have a deadline that I need to finish up tonight and then it will be time to turn the computer off. Maybe I need to just start leaving the laptop at work, now that is a thought.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Z- Zephyr and Zeppelin

Zeppelin – Do you remember when The Good Year Blimp was the only one that covered sporting events? Now there are many of them, Snoopy, Good Year, etc. I remember the 1st time I saw in person the Good Year Blimp flying over head. I was in the process of driving from Freeport, IL to Federal, In. I was an a barren road where the nearest town was 60 miles away and I pulled to the side of the road, stood outside the car on a bright May afternoon and just watched for a good 30 minutes as the thing approached and then flew over head. Watching that ‘balloon’ I wondered what it was like to fly one of those. The landings must be interesting.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Made to Feel Like a Queen

We got to Stanwood a little before noon so we decided to stop at this little Greek deli that my sister had found for lunch. We ordered Gyros and I asked them to just put it on a plate, not assemble it into a sandwich for my mom making it easier for her to eat. Soon out came our food. Now those who know me will understand how big this was, but our lunch was served on china dinner plate and they brought us real silverware. When was the last time you were served a sandwich and a salad on a real plate and not in some basket lined with wax paper?
My mom’s plate was arranged like it was prepared for a catalog photo. The meat, the lettuce topped with tomatoes, the pita bread cut into perfect rectangles and the sauce drizzled to complete the design. I almost felt a little cheated looking at my perfectly formed gyro compared to her plate. Then came the taste – AMAZING. Everything was fresh and seasoned perfectly, I didn’t even ask for Tabasco sauce.
After we have eaten everything on our plates she came out and asked us if we wanted desert. My sister ordered a piece of cherry/apple pie. So back in she went and soon she arrived back at our table with a huge piece of homemade pie, three forks and an ice cream bar on the side of the plate. I asked about the ice cream bar and she said she just wanted to give my mom a little treat. It was chocolate covered tiramisu ice cream on a stick. My mom’s face lit up like a child on Christmas morning. It was so good to see my mom so happy, that woman made my mom feel like a Queen.
If you are ever near Stanwood or just want really amazing Greek food stop into Suzie’s Place Delicatessen. It is just before you go over the bridge to Camano Island.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Y - Yttrium and Generation Y

Generation Y – the generation born between1980 and 1990. Here are a few facts about Generation Y according to: Connecting to the Net.Generation: What Higher Education Professionals Need to Know About Today's Students:
- 97% own a computer
- 97% have downloaded music and other media using peer-to-peer file sharing
- 94% own a cell phone
- 76% use instant messaging and social networking sites
- 75% of college students have a Facebook account
- 60% own some type of portable music and/or video device such as an iPod
- 49% regularly download music and other media using peer-to-peer file sharing
- 34% use websites as their primary source of news
- 28% author a blog and 44% read blogs
- 15% of IM users are logged on 24 hours a day/7 days a week
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Email Overload
Monday, September 8, 2008
X - Xylography and Xylophone

Xylophone – Wooden bars of various lengths, struck by mallets creating musical tones. Each bar is tuned to a specific pitch allowing the musician to create a melody.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Standing Room Only

Since we have moved in we have had a pretty full house most of the time and this coming weekend could be interesting around here, there is a potential for 7 of us staying here for a few nights. Good thing that we have lots of space, a queen size bed, a set of bunk beds, a double bed, a queen size sofa sleeper and a few other assorted couches that can sleep an adult.
So we will be a little cozy, but you know what, we really wouldn’t have it any other way. If there is one thing that Kyle and I have in common it is we love to make you feel comfortable in our home.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Just One of Those Days
At about 2pm today I walked into my boss’s office to discuss some of what is going on and make sure I hadn’t lost my mind. I sat down in a chair; he walked over to the white board to draw it out so we could both get the information straight. I take off my glasses to give my eyes a change of pace. I look down and this is what I saw:
Yep, one black shoe and one brown shoe, and it’s not like they are even the same shoe. The only thing I can say is at least I have them on the right feet.
Tomorrow is a new day and I know that at least for today I have made a few of my Twitter follower’s laugh which isn’t all that bad.
Monday, September 1, 2008
W - Words and Wife

Wife – a helpmate, partner, confidant, lover, homemaker, spouse, and mate, different ways to say the same thing, for every one of these terms there are thousands of definitions of what that means. Every woman is unique and in the uniqueness they bring something different to the marriage relationship. The way I am a wife to my husband may not work for anyone else but me. I don’t remember exactly why or what triggered it, but this last week I have been searching myself to see what I can do to be a better wife to my husband. I love and respect my husband; I do all that I can to be there for him, including working on his truck when his hands don’t fit. I even honestly asked my husband if there was anything he could think of that I could do for him. It is not about something I have to do, it is something I want to do. Wife, it is my goal to be the best wife I can be and the only thing I am sure of is that won’t look like any other wife.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
V - Volume and Visitors

Visitors – Are family considered guest. I know that when I go back to visit my family in Michigan I usually don’t get to do much of what I really want to do because I run around and see all the family and do all the activities they have planned. They go out of their way to entertain me and make sure I have a good visit. I just did the same thing when my sister and niece were here, making sure they had enough to do. So did I over book them? Did they get to do what they wanted to do?