Words – “Sticks and stones my break my bones but word will never hurt me”, who hasn’t heard that phrase. We use it as a child to try and convince ourselves and others that what is said to and about us doesn’t have an effect. Too bad it just isn’t true. The power of words is amazing. It is the words spoken by a father to his pre-teen daughter, telling her that she is fat and lazy, that hurt her enough that she lashes out at the you neighbor girl telling her she is fat and that she will soon look like her mother that is at least 100lbs overweight. That young neighbor girl then stops eating. At 1st the young girls parents don’t realize it, but they soon find the food that they thought had been eaten partially chewed and hidden in various places in the house, until finally the young girl is so thin that the doctors want to insert a feeding tube to keep her alive. Words, as it says in James there is power in the tongue and it is so hard to tame. My prayer is that my words are uplifting and bring life.
Wife – a helpmate, partner, confidant, lover, homemaker, spouse, and mate, different ways to say the same thing, for every one of these terms there are thousands of definitions of what that means. Every woman is unique and in the uniqueness they bring something different to the marriage relationship. The way I am a wife to my husband may not work for anyone else but me. I don’t remember exactly why or what triggered it, but this last week I have been searching myself to see what I can do to be a better wife to my husband. I love and respect my husband; I do all that I can to be there for him, including working on his truck when his hands don’t fit. I even honestly asked my husband if there was anything he could think of that I could do for him. It is not about something I have to do, it is something I want to do. Wife, it is my goal to be the best wife I can be and the only thing I am sure of is that won’t look like any other wife.
Yes! Great post, Karen!!! I have been on this journey for the past year. God is helping me be the best wife I can be. By his grace and mercy, I am better now than I was a year ago!
That is the key, marriage is a journey and as long as we keep putting the effort in we all win.
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