Zephyr – a gentle breeze – How is it that one part of our life is in a total storm and another is as if I am sitting in a sail boat and there is total calm and nothing moving? Form me there is a hurricane blowing in the area of work. The winds, the workload are roaring through and I’m just trying to hold on at this time. I love my job, but there can be too much of a good thing. The problem is that there is so much that needs to be done I just don’t have time to do a good job at any of it and that is making me nuts. And then there is a big part of my life that seems to be in limbo or on hold. I so want to have a gentle breeze blow in so that the sails fill and I start to make progress again.
Zeppelin – Do you remember when The Good Year Blimp was the only one that covered sporting events? Now there are many of them, Snoopy, Good Year, etc. I remember the 1st time I saw in person the Good Year Blimp flying over head. I was in the process of driving from Freeport, IL to Federal, In. I was an a barren road where the nearest town was 60 miles away and I pulled to the side of the road, stood outside the car on a bright May afternoon and just watched for a good 30 minutes as the thing approached and then flew over head. Watching that ‘balloon’ I wondered what it was like to fly one of those. The landings must be interesting.
Zeppelin – Do you remember when The Good Year Blimp was the only one that covered sporting events? Now there are many of them, Snoopy, Good Year, etc. I remember the 1st time I saw in person the Good Year Blimp flying over head. I was in the process of driving from Freeport, IL to Federal, In. I was an a barren road where the nearest town was 60 miles away and I pulled to the side of the road, stood outside the car on a bright May afternoon and just watched for a good 30 minutes as the thing approached and then flew over head. Watching that ‘balloon’ I wondered what it was like to fly one of those. The landings must be interesting.
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