Mathew 28:19; Acts 2:2; Titus 2:11

Titus 2:11 (Amplified Bible)
For the grace of God (His unmerited favor and blessing) has come forward (appeared) for the deliverance from sin and the eternal salvation for all mankind.
Salvation is the whole process by which we are delivered from all that interferes with the enjoyment of God’s highest blessings and the actual enjoyment of those blessings.
Human beings must experience a radical inner transformation. Nothing we can do, no good deeds we perform, can change this reality. What each of us needs is an infusion of spiritual life. Only a new life within can encounter the grip of death on our personalities. Our new nature comes from God himself. Inherited from Him, that new life will be transforming and eternal.
Salvation has past, present, and future aspects. We have been saved, are being saved, and will be saved. Salvation in each of these senses rests on the death and resurrection of Jesus and in ours through trust in him.
We have been saved: there was a specific time when an individual consciously trusted Christ as Savior or was “born again.”
We are being saved: God is presently at work in our lives, delivering us from the power of sin that we might live a new holy life. The transformation is gradual, involving growth but as we grow in Christ toward the person the Lord is helping us become, we know the meaning of present-tense salvation.
We will be saved: One day the very presence of sin in our lives, and every reminder of its pull, will be gone, the universe will be cleansed from every taint of evil. Then we will know the meaning of the fullness of the salvation that God has won for us in His Son.
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