Deut 8:18; 28:12-13; Phil 4:19; 2 Cor 9:6-11

2 Corinthians 9:8 (New Living Translation)
And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.
Philippians 4:19 (New Living Translation)
And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.
Need versus wants? Everything you need with plenty left over to share with others? As I mentioned in an earlier post at one time I got way in over my head with debt. I tried to live a life style I couldn’t afford. I went from working a corporate job to working full time for an international Christian ministry and took a more than 50% pay cut. Too bad I didn’t make the adjustment in my style of life when my income changed.
But even though I had messed up, I kept tithing through it all and the Lord kept His part of the deal and provided all my needs. During my time of need, He provided me with food in a very unique way. At the time I was involved with the street ministry at Cornerstone Christian Center. One of my responsibilities was to go over to one of the local grocery stores and collect up the old bread and bakery items that were past their pull date and bring them to the church for distribution to people in need. Once everyone had left for the day then I would take some of the bread or hot dog buns that were left over home for my meals for the week. On good weeks I had hot dogs or bologna to put on the bread, but many days I had catsup sandwiches for lunch and dinner. A little oleo and catsup makes for a tasty and nutritious meal, or so I told myself.
I made it through that time in my life and will never forget from where I have come. God met every one of my needs during that time and I even had enough to share with others. I know that He will do the same for you if you make Him first.
All the money of the world belongs to God. My gift to Him does not make Him any richer; it makes me richer spiritually because of the realization that everything I have is His and that I am giving because I love Him and want to give.
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