Kyle and I went out for breakfast and where I would normally be able to read every sign on the road with no problem everything was a blur I just couldn’t focus. After breakfast I tried to log onto the computer and had to give up because I just couldn’t read anything. What the stink was going on with my eyes? It had been more than three hours now and I I was a little concerned. I searched my brain for a reason that I couldn’t see clearly.
By this time our granddaughter came over and we headed out to the pool for one last swim together. After just a few minutes of swimming in the pool I noticed that not only was my vision still blurry but it was like I was seeing through a veil as well.
We finished up at the pool and headed off to Bass Pro Shop for lunch and to spend a little time checking out the fun stuff before we had to catch our flight back to Seattle and as we sat at the table with the menus in front of us, I realized that I could see again. What a relief and praise to Jesus.
The best that I can figure it was a combination of things that caused my vision to be disrupted. One, I spent over 3 hours in the pool on Saturday afternoon, without my glasses on. This probably put a strain on the eye muscles and they just needed to rest and adjust again. Two, I have been in more sunshine in the last three days than I have been in the last six months. It was just real bright and shame on me I don’t wear sun glasses. – Note to self, see about prescription sunglasses. And finally, all that swimming in the pool and the chemicals that are used to treat the water were just more than my eyes could handle. I learned to swim with my eyes open underwater I just can’t be under water with my eyes closed. I even open my eyes when I swim in the ocean.
As we were on the plane I was reading a book that talked about the Vision the Lord has given us and how we need to keep it clear and in focus. So thinking back to earlier in the day when I could see clearly I thought about my spiritual vision: Has it become blurry? Am I looking at my vision without a focus, not using the lenses that God has given me for my Vision? Letting the glare of other people’s visions that seem to be bright and occurring now dilate my pupils or even blinding my vision totally? Or am I letting the stuff of everyday life get in and cause an irritation to my Vision.
Just as it was concerning and caused me to think of going to the doctor for a checkup for my eyes , I need to be going to The Doctor, Jesus, and get a check up for the Vision He has provided me make sure that I keep it in clear focus.