It is interesting having a dog in the house even as small as he is. Indy is about 4 months old and loves to play with cats. Only problem is that our cats are not used to having their space invaded and since the guest room was where they used to hang out or hide when someone would come over they are a little put out. It is an interesting dynamic amongst the three of them. One the cats used to live with a dog prior to us having her so she puts up with Indy to a point, but if he gets on her nerves she has swatted him a few times and now he tends not to chase after her. This is also the bigger of the two cats and she tends to be a little bit of a bully at times chasing the other one around the house. The other cat is the one that surprise me, at first she would cower back in the corner as if she was either waiting to pounce or trying to hide. If Indy chased her she would just run from room to room. She has figured out that he is too small to get up on the furniture by himself so she has relaxed some.
It has been four days and things are starting to settle down. Now when Indy walks by the cats just watch him and they don’t take off running. If Indy playing and one of the cats walks up he looks but usually leaves them alone. In another week or two they all will have learned how to live in the same house together. It is just like new roommates getting acquainted. The only hard part is keeping them out of each other’s food. Oh wait, that really is like getting used to new roommates.
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