As I stood by the gate waiting to board the plane I started to read. I finished it as we taxied to the gate at SeaTac. This small book, only 206 pages, holds so much wisdom and insight. I could relate to this author on so many levels, I just couldn’t put it down. I had heard about this guy but never really paid much attention.
The book is full of so many profound one liners I could probably list over a dozen of not here, but I will leave that for those of you that want to read the book, but this one is one that so good I just can’t resist; “Brick walls are there for a reason. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something.”
I will be processing this book and possibly reading it again for the next few days but for tonight I will just say it is a must read.
I saw the special 20/20 did on him and I bawled my brains out. What an amazing man!!
In reading the book it really wasn't as emotional, just inspirational. Maybe it was just so me.
How inspiring Randy Pausch is! If you liked "The Last Lecture", another fantastic memoir I just read and highly recommend is "My Stroke of Insight" by Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor. Her TEDTalk video (ted.com) has been seen as many times as The Last Lecture I think, and Oprah did 4 shows on her book, so there are a lot of similarities. In My Stroke of Insight, there's a happy ending though. It's an incredible story! I hear they're making it into a movie.
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