Every human has a need to be loved, needed and safe. It is these three needs that drive us to do everything we do, we work very hard to fulfill these eternal needs.
For many of us women we grow up and are led to believe that we are only going to be fulfilled when we are a wife and mother. We look at boyfriends, husbands, and family to love us like we are meant to love. No other human can completely meet this need in us.
Our need to be needed or have worth drives us to work at the “money” jobs instead of our hearts desire. We strive to be #1 in everyone’s eyes and always fall short when we focus on pleasing people.
Being safe is a need that manifest in needing a sense of security and protection. We settle for less in relationships and jobs for the security instead of chasing our dreams. We don’t risk being hurt and therefore don’t pursue deep relationships.
When I try to fulfill these needs with my own instincts and desires, I experience boredom, frustration, and sorrow. These basic needs are placed in us by God and only our Savior can meet these needs.
His love endures for ever and is perfect. He has a plan and a purpose for our lives and once we know that we no longer question if we are needed or fit where He has placed us. Finally, there is an eternal security in that God Himself will never leave us or forsake us and we have an Eternal destiny with Him.
I struggle to remember who my creator is at times and that I don’t have to make a way for myself. He has created me in His image and has a defined purpose for me that I only need to seek him for and then I will be fulfilled. No job, relationship, or possession will ever fulfill me completely.
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