How would you answer this question, “How can I be a better friend”? By definition a friend is a person whom one knows, likes and trusts. Friends will welcome each other’s company and show loyalty. Friends share in each others experiences, hardship and exchanging advice. Friends desire what is best for the other, offer honesty and truth.
How can I be a better friend? I could allow those that are my friends to get nearer and not hold them out. I could trust my friends more and share the deepest parts of me. I could go out of my way to spend more time with them.
How can I be a better friend?

I think the way to be a better friend in to trust in the Lord and He will bring the type of friends that you need in your life.
Try not to allow what the world has done to continually block what God has for you in the way of friendships.
God Bless,
Thanks D. I posted this after I was asked this very question and pondered it for a couple of days.
A friend is someone who is loyal, you totally and completely trust, love, and respect. A friend is there to have fun with, talk with, listen to. A friend is someone who doesn't always have to be right, have one up on you, compare, be jealous, but always rejoices when you have a good report or not so good report. A friend will be there when you are both up and down. A friend is always trustworthy, when you share, it isn't repeated all over the place.
A friend is someone who you can totally be yourself around and you don't have to worry about what they are thinking of you.
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