I call them my Gaggle of Grannies. Some of them I know by name others, we just smile at each other. I make it a point to greet them all and ask how there day is going, even when I am in a hurry and need to get back to work. The few moments I spend with these ladies is more important than anything else I may have going at that very moment. I wish I could find the words to describe the sparkle that blazes in their eyes when you do something as simple as say hi. That look of recognition, that look of thanks, that look of pure appreciation, what better look is there. These ladies have lived, loved and survived life and now as they rest in the balance of their days, it is the simple things that make the biggest impact.
I smile at them, but what they give me in return can not be expressed. How simple it is and I thank God for my Gaggle of Grannies; they bring meaning, value and worth to my life.
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