Monday, June 11, 2007

Giving is Priceless

I had the most amazing weekend. I crawled into bed last night with a feeling of utter joy. Last night I stayed up too late because I was reliving it, none of the events this weekend were planned or structured and yet they were totally of God. I was able to give of my self, my time and my resources.

First my mother who is unable to do very much for herself had asked me to pick up a few birthday cards for her to give to her friends. No for me I can’t just give just any old birthday card; it has to be just the right one for each individual. I don’t know which type of store I can spend more time in, a bookstore or a Hallmark Shop. When I look for birthday cards I will open each card and read it sometimes laughing out loud. If I find a card that fits a certain person I will buy it and then hold onto it for months waiting for that persons birthday to come around. Each person is unique and their birthday is unique and so should their card.

Feeling that way about birthday cards it was hard for me to think about picking out just a few random ones for her to give so I decided that since I didn’t have anything scheduled during the day Saturday, I would just make time to go and get her and take her to the store and let her pick out her own. The really cool part is that I didn’t tell her about the plan, I just showed up as she was finishing her lunch. She was sitting at the table with her friends and I came strolling in the door. She looked up, saw me and asked what I was doing there. I told her that I needed to go to the store and pick up a few things for her and I thought I would take her with me. That little gift of my time, a couple of hours out of my day were priceless to her. That smile on her face and the sparkle in her eye when I told her the plan was priceless to me.

Then there was just giving of my self by talking to friends who just needed a little encouragement at that moment. It isn’t that I can change anything; it is just being there and knowing that someone cares that makes it more manageable. It wasn’t much but I know in my own life that when a friend reaches out and just cares it is priceless. It is priceless to me to be a friend to them.

I was also able to give of my resources this weekend, even though I have needs of my own, I have learned that if I give to others first my needs will be taken care of. To be able to give someone a dinner just to bless them when they don’t need it, to buy lunch for friends just because or to pay for the car behind you in the Starbucks line, to be able to meet a major need in someone’s life. All of these are small things and the receivers would have never asked and that is what makes the gift priceless. To know that I do have the resources to give, no matter how small is priceless to me.

I had an amazing weekend, I was able to give and that for me is priceless.

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